

Green Beekeeping

Product information

Beekeeping can be an inexpensive hobby or a profitable business, depending on your goals and where you live. How much time you spend on your bee colonies will depend on how many you have, what your reasons for doing it are, and how much time and money you want to invest. Beekeeping can be an inexpensive hobby or a profitable business, depending on your goals and where you live. How much time you spend on your bee colonies will depend on how many you have, what your reasons for doing it are, and how much time and money you want to invest.
How Membership works

By purchasing products with member pricing, you will be automatically signed up for a membership. The first 3 days, you will have a “Freemium” membership and on day 3, you will be charged 47.75 EUR, which will be converted 1:1 into credits and deposited into your PlanetPets.club account. You can top-up and shop, skip the top-up, or cancel your membership anytime.